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9433155065 / 9830401906
With the advancement of Medical Science in our Country, now home to the World's second largest population, various communicable Diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Diarrhoea, Pneumonia etc. which were once regarded as the major killer Diseases have now been under control though not fully conquered. This has now been replaced by appearance of various chronic diseases related with our life style like Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Ischaemic heart diseases, cancers etc.
       In the recent past Diabetes increased by 174% and Ischaemic Heart disease by 104%. Diabetes Mellitus Ischaemic heart disease and chronic obstructive Pulmonary Diseases were the leading causes of pre-mature death now overtaking lower respiratory and Diarrhoeal Diseases. Manifestations of Non communicable diseases in the community can be compared with the Iceberg phenomenon. In diseases like Hypertension. Diabetes Mellitus, Malnutrition, Mental illness, unknown morbidity (the sub-merged portion of the ice-berg) far exceeds the known morbidity, and its detection and control is a challenge to the modern medicine.
With the increase in life expectancy at birth which is now over 70 yrs. in developed countries, the percentage of geriatric population has increased globally. In India through it is now 8% of the total population, the absolute size of the population deserve a special attention.
Do you wants to book an apontment?
9433155065 / 9830401906
Krishna Apartment, Baishnabghata Road Kolkata-700047
Routine Health check up quarterly (Every 3 months for Screening non-communicable and communicable Diseases.
Clinic based patient care services
Provision of technical support for organizing health camp to the different social organization, schools (including special schools), colleges etc
Referral and linkages with specialized and super-specialized services as the time of need.
Organize Seminars, Workshops on different health issues at regular intervals to create awareness among the general population.
Arrangements of pre-vocational and vocational training for differently abled adolescents and adults.
Publication of News-letter, every quarterly on different health issues and legal issues
Organization of Research activities specially in the field of Geriatric and differently abled persons
Counselling services for those in need.
Arranging Yoga Musical & spiritual events on Regular Basis
Net working with others organizations working with same objectives and goals